Monday, August 27, 2018

Reflection of my first 50 years

At 7:49 am on August 26, 1968, I came into the world ready for chocolate covered goodies and was 5 lbs 10 oz 19" long. At 9:40 pm on August 26, 1994, my darling daughter arrived as exhausted as I was. My little girl was 2 ounces less in birth weight than I was and she was 1/4" shorter than I had been. I was supposed to be celebrating with her this year, but life and fate had other plans.

Life has definitely gotten more complicated this year, than I remember it being in previous years. Moving is hard, but staying still is boring, so move if you must. As the Title of this post suggests, I am reflecting on the first 50 years of my life. I'll be the first to admit that it's been a hella crazy ride sometimes. Plans were made and fell apart and I learned to expect the unexpected.

Friends and lovers have come and gone...some I miss and some I barely recall in my reflective state. Lots of good and bad times, every emotion has been experienced...more than once. I've learned from my mistakes, a few needed a refresher course. On more than one occasion it's been recommended that I write a book about my life. I probably should do that before I forget the best parts...I'll have to remember to take notes from now on... brain damage and several head injuries over the years have my memories out of sequence for some reason.

Laugh at yourself, people will look at you funny anyway, so you might as well be entertaining. Don't take life too seriously, you'll miss the fun parts. Love BIG, Live BIG, laugh LOUD.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Country Life

On May 18, 2018 my partner in life and the adventures of life moved from a rural neighborhood in Montgomery County, Texas to a truly rural area in Sabine Parish, Louisiana. We're both very happy about the move. Not only did we move to "my happy place" near my grandparents house, where I spent many happy weekends growing up and had my first real kiss, but we got a much bigger house and yard than we had in Texas.
It's absolutely beautiful here, the roads wind through the forest and the lake. Very peaceful.
The first couple of weeks we were here, we didn't have television or internet. Both are available via satellite. Cell service is spotty and even though the previous owners of the property had a landline, we weren't able to get one because of a lack of ports or slots or something like that.
Next week marks three months since we made this 2600 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 3.4 acres our home. We sit on the porch in the back more than the front porch to watch the birds and the fireflies in the evenings. The dogs are loving having lots of room to run and no fences to hinder exploration.
We spent 20 years and a few months in the house in Texas. We're looking forward to at least that many years at home in Louisiana.

Friday, August 10, 2018

MPC and Physical Therapy

In 2015, Sam Heughan started MPC. For those of you who don't know, that stands for My Peak Challenge.

I joined immediately. It got me thinking about my mobility and physical therapy. I hadn't been keeping up with the program because, well life happens and I needed actual physical therapy and hands on guidance to get me back on track. Doing the program on my own, I acquired a few injuries and was recovering from them and had once again stopped being able to do much. Then, as luck would have it, I moved. I mean truly moved. Packed up, sold the house I was living in in Texas and moved into a much better place in Louisiana, where my family is much closer.

My dad told me about the physical therapist he'd been going to and I got excited about getting back into a program that had just what I needed. So as soon as I got the insurance paperwork sorted out as far as I knew at the time...I made an appointment at the clinic/gym and started physical therapy. I'm finishing up the 5th week there.
I've got to get a brace again on my foot. I'm waiting for the insurance company to sort that out. I might need surgery, but for now just PT and the brace.

When I was younger, I loved exercise but hated physical therapy. Now, I choosing to enjoy both. Because I would much rather have pain, stiffness and soreness from a good workout than from no workout and anyone who has chronic pain and spasticity completely understands what I mean.

My birthday is coming up soon and I will be 50. How nifty is that? When I was younger, I never thought about long-term mobility or not being able to do what I wanted to do, I just did it. Now, that I'm approaching the next half century of being me, and mobility is getting to be more difficult, I think about it almost constantly.

The only time in my life that I was in a wheelchair was when I was 27 (1995) and was recovering from injuries I got in a head-on collision with a drunk driver who was also high. My face and both legs were broken. I was removed from the wreckage and flown to the hospital in a Lifeflight helicopter. I was in ICU for a couple of days before being stable enough for surgery.

The first surgery was on my left hip. That's the side affected by Cerebral Palsy the most. The ball of that hip was split almost completely in half and it was dislocated. I've got 4 pins in it. A few days later, the next round of surgeries commenced. My face needed a lot of work because my forehead was broken almost into my sinuses. My nose was broken and my right eye socket was shattered. 8 hours of surgery and I look pretty good, I think. While one team was working on my face two other teams were working on saving my right leg. The patella was shattered and I had a compound fracture in the tib/fib. It tooka team of orthopedists and plastic surgeons to solve that puzzle.
I was in the hospital for a total of 16 days. 3 months in a wheelchair and 9 months of physical therapy got me back on my feet. I was still in pain most of the time, but I had gotten used to it.

5 years and many trips and falls later, I had to have another surgery on my right knee. The wires broke. It didn't require post-op physical therapy, so I didn't do it. I didn't do anything remotely related to exercise or physical therapy until 2015, when a fan girl crush on Sam Heughan inspired me to join MPC.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Welcome to my journey of fitness and life. My name is Beth and I have Cerebral Palsy. This blog will chronicle the beginning of a new chapter 50 years in the making.

I'll try to watch my language and mind my manners out of respect for you and I humbly ask the same of you.

Grab your favorite snacks and drinks and let's get going. Hang on tight, it's gonna get bumpy.